Akapela Jonz, née Lorenzo Gordon, has always sought to do what hasn’t
been done and constantly be unique in his execution. A fan of hip-hop
since his formative years, Jonz can go from nostalgically speaking
about LL Cool J -- being the artist that inspired him to become an
artist -- to waxing philosophically about the perils of hip-hop
becoming a lost art in the white noise of today’s radio. By taking
hip-hop back to a more musical standpoint with blends of funk, rock,
jazz and hip-hop, the aim of this artist is to find a cohesive balance
between what hasn’t been done and what is familiar. Thus making the
music palatable for the listener but on edge enough to make them take
notice and actually listen to the story behind the lyrics. Akapela’s
music reflects his understanding of hip-hop as not only being an
attractive art form but also being a relatable meeting ground for
different genres of music. One to always keep his fans guessing; Jonz
challenges people musically and socially by blurring the lines of
content, music choice, production and even style by grabbing listeners
by the metaphorical collar and upsetting the balance of the hip-hop
been done and constantly be unique in his execution. A fan of hip-hop
since his formative years, Jonz can go from nostalgically speaking
about LL Cool J -- being the artist that inspired him to become an
artist -- to waxing philosophically about the perils of hip-hop
becoming a lost art in the white noise of today’s radio. By taking
hip-hop back to a more musical standpoint with blends of funk, rock,
jazz and hip-hop, the aim of this artist is to find a cohesive balance
between what hasn’t been done and what is familiar. Thus making the
music palatable for the listener but on edge enough to make them take
notice and actually listen to the story behind the lyrics. Akapela’s
music reflects his understanding of hip-hop as not only being an
attractive art form but also being a relatable meeting ground for
different genres of music. One to always keep his fans guessing; Jonz
challenges people musically and socially by blurring the lines of
content, music choice, production and even style by grabbing listeners
by the metaphorical collar and upsetting the balance of the hip-hop