Monday, June 28, 2010

DAY 3. TEAM WORK (2010 Pilot Program)

Last Thursday, the ladies learn about the 5 stages of team development. They were instructed to build a pyramid. We (the staff) did not tell them how to build the pyramid, nor did we tell them what type of pyramid or how many to build. We simply told them to build a pyramid and walked away. We watched them struggle with many elements: Lack of confidence and team member support, dictatorship, and many other elements that are not strong qualities of team building. Struggling with those elements, they failed the first time around. Their pyramid literally fell apart. After they fell apart, they got back up and tried again. This time trying with bruises and more self and group confidence, they succeeded in building their pyramid. After they were done, we reviewed what went wrong, what worked, what didn't work, etc...and introduced them to the 5 stages of team development. Take a look at those 5 stage below:


This is the very first part of the process. One must decide who is going to be on the team. Once the team members are decided, each member must then introduce themselves to, what they can contribute to the team, and then, they must get involved. It is important that each member pulls their own weight.

During this stage members begin to voice their individual differences, similarities and declare the position they wish to play on the team. Each member represents something different for the team, therefore they must be highly involved and prepare to fight for they think is right for them team. Each members contribution is important therefore, no team member should feel as if they can not voice their opinion.

In this stage, members begin to share common commitment to the purpose of the group including it's overall goals and how it will reach those goals. The team leader should focus on achieving clarity of roles, structure and process of the group.

Now the team is showing us what they've got. This is the moment where all of the team members really contribute to the task in order to reach a goal that was set for the team during the Norming stage.

Closing & Celebration:
Once the goal has been reached and the task has been completed the team then goes into deliberation. The members of the team begin to discuss the choices that they made and decided if they were healthy for the team overall. They also discuss the overall success of their performance for their set goal that they reached. Once they close out the performance, they then celebrate and congratulate each other on a job well done.